Organisational Learning
Local Governance
Protection and Inclusion
Innovation and Opportunities
© JOHUD, 2022


Jordan Times - USA Rice Federation, in cooperation with the US embassy in Amman and two local Jordanian US rice importers, Intermarkets Jordan and Shaban Group, donated five tonnes of high-quality US origin rice on Tuesday to support the children of Mabarrat Um Al Hussein orphanage, according to an embassy statement. The institution makes a tremendous contribution to the Jordanian society and supports those in need through providing a safe environment
Jordan News Agency (Petra) - 📌 Registration is now open: free training for 100 candidates (People With Disabilities, Refugees and Women) from the Koura and the Mazar districts (Jordan) to start their own social projects. 🎓 The training is offered by the JOHUD الصندوق الأردني الهاشمي للتنمية البشرية within @MedTOWN project. ☎ The applicants for training in the Social incubator will be contacted and interviewed after the submitted applications are so...
Jordan News Agency (Petra) - The Orange Foundation announced signing an agreement to establish three new sites within the umbrella of the Women’s Digital Center program, which the company implements in partnership with the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD). The new sites will fall under the Orange Jordan and the European Union joint project, the "Innovation Space", a 3-year program co-funded by the European Union’s “Innovation for Enterprise Growth and
Jordan News Agency (Petra) - JOHUD launches emergency Goodwill Family Relief Fund to help those most affected by Coronavirus The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) is today launching the Family Relief Fund to help those families most at risk from the health and economic impacts of the Coronavirus. The Family Relief Fund will allow JOHUD to extend its efforts to provide emergency support to vulnerable families from every governorate, with a focus on
Jordan TImes - Om Saud had never thought that her two sons, who suffer from bow legs and knock knees, will be able to walk normally again. Om Saud's nine-member family has to make do with a limited income, as her husband's illness prevents him from working, however, her 15- and 18-year-old sons Mohammad and Ahmad have recently received free-of-charge surgeries to treat their condition. For 17-year-old Bashar Ayman, an iontophoresis cross-linking surgery — also free of charge — ha...
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