MedRiSSE Project

MedRiSSE Project “Replicable Innovations of SSE in the provision of services and creation of decent jobs in the post covid-19 crisis recovery” is a capitalization project funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED Programme. The programme is managed by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Italy) and aims to promote cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean region.
Project Duration
Start date: 01 September 2021
- End date: 31 August 2023
About the project
MedRiSSE is a social innovation initiative, led by the NGO Assembly of Cooperation for Peace (ACPP, Spain), which aims to develop a Mediterranean scalability pathway for social innovations that enable the co-production of municipal services with local agents of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) that have emerged from interactions between the government and the SSE involved in several ENI-funded projects. These innovations represent successful and efficient practices for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in general, and for the protection of the most vulnerable groups in post-Covid19 economies in the Mediterranean Basin.
The project will build on the experience gained from five previous cooperation Projects funded by the European Union under the programmes of ENI CBC Med 2014-2020 (MedTOWN & MoreThanAJob), ENPI MED 2007-2013 (RUWOMED), EuropeAid (MedUP) and IESS (CitESS, LINGARE). The project envisions to widen the Community of Practice (CoP) launched by the MedTOWN project, involving policy makers, SSE actors, researchers and practitioners and lead to the co-creation of a Mediterranean Co-Production Lab that will function under the principles of Social Solidarity Economy and will operate under a mutual credit system.
Financial Data
- Total project Budget: 1.1 million €
- EU Contribution: 0.9 million € (90 %)
- 10% Co-financing
Project Numbers
8 Partners
- 5 countries
- 7 Technical Outputs
Areas of Improvement:
The project will generate clear evidence and solutions to overcome existing identified barriers and provide public institutions, the donor community, SSE practitioners, local partners, and a multitude of other stakeholders with sustainable, low-cost and innovative capacities to deliver quality social services. Supporting the development of national, regional and local social economy ecosystems will be major step in order to boost job creation and innovation, to foster social inclusion.
Expected Outputs:
1 Mediterranean Co-production Lab on social innovation
5 policy briefs on social innovation to promote positive influence on policy makers
1 Mediterranean replication toolkits for the protection of economic and social rights
1 cross-country analysis report of national mappings and studies on social innovation
Contribution to policy-making:
The project will contribute to policy-making at different levels by:
- Promoting public-community alliances for service provision in the Mediterranean. The idea of a universal public service to guarantee basic rights to people does not necessarily mean state-run, but it can be approached in alliance with community groups and social enterprises.
- Promoting policy innovation labs. In particular, they promote the computational thinking required by a reluctant state that is increasingly concerned to delegate its responsibilities to digitally enabled citizens with the ‘designedly’ capacities and technical expertise to ‘code’ solutions to public and social problems.
- Supporting SSE and creation of decent jobs: the capacity to create jobs in emerging sectors, for example in the silver economy, and to contribute to the formalization of the informal economy.
- Promoting financial innovations in the field of public utilities: the use of local currencies as democratized payment alternatives. Local currencies support local businesses and bolster communities against globalizing trends, which limit the circulation of money regionally.
BEN/ Assembly of Cooperation for Peace (ACPP), NGO, Spain
PP01/ An-Najah National University, University, Palestine
PP02/ Oxfam Italia Onlus, NGO, Italy
PP03/ Agricultural Development Association (PARC), NGO, Palestine
PP04/ Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD), NGO, Jordan
PP05 / Tunisian Center For Social Entrepreneurship (TCSE), NGO, Tunisia
PP06/ PIN S.c.r.l. Didactic and Scientific Services for the University of Florence, University, Italy
PP07/ Innovation and Social Economy in the Mediterranean, SCEL (IesMed), Cooperative-Private sector, Spain
ASSO1: Municipality of Seville, Spain
ASSO2: Municipality of Barcelona, Spain
ASSO3: Municipality of Tubas, Palestine
ASSO4: Ministry of Local Administration, Jordan
ASSO5: REAS Andalucía – Network of Alternative Solidarity Economy, Spain
ASSO6: Tunisian General Labour Union,Tunisia
ASSO7: Municipality of Santa Coloma de Gramanet, Spain
Contact Info:
For more information about MedRiSSE, visit: